Depression Treatment in Pune - Mind Matters Clinic

Depression: Symptoms & Treatment

It is a leading most cause for disability and a most common cause for suicide.

What is Depression?

At times, we all feel sad or anxious. Loss of loved ones, losing a job, a divorce, failure in exams, breakup of relationships, familial discord can cause a feeling of sadness, make person feel scared, lonely, nervous, or anxious. These feelings are normal reactions to life's stressors. But when such feelings persists daily or nearly daily for no apparent reason, which also impairs normal daily functioning, it indicates that the person may be suffering from a Clinical Depression or a Major Depressive Disorder.

The good thing is that it is treatable.

What are signs and symptoms of depression?

  • Loneliness
  • Feeling sad & low
  • Irritability
  • Low energy levels
  • Not feeling like enjoying
  • Difficulty in sleep, or excessive sleeping
  • weight loss, Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety, nervousness, uncontrolled worrying
  • Hopelessness, suicidal thoughts

The person suffering from a Major Depressive Disorder episode experiences depressed mood, loss of interest and enjoyment, and reduced energy leading to diminished activity for at least two weeks. Most people also suffer from anxiety symptoms, lack of sleep and loss of appetite, feeling of guilt or low self esteem, difficulty in concentration and bodily symptoms of headache, backache that are often unexplained medically.|

Causes of Depression?

There may not be a single or specific cause. It is often multi factorial. It is caused by combination of factors which involves environmental & genetic factors, coping abilities of individual towards stress, social support, etc. Our mood is controlled by chemicals in brain which if gets out of balance can lead to depressive feelings without any reason. These chemicals are known as Neurotransmitters. Hence, it is like any other medical problem. It is definitely not a sign of weakness, but a clinical entity, a medical illness. It can happen to anyone.

Learn more about this check our blog "What You Need to Know About Major Depressive Disorder?"

Depression Treatment in Pune -

The treatment options for management of Depressive disorders include psychological treatments (such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT], Behavioural activation) and antidepressant medications. Of these, cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression (CBT) works to replace negative thinking patterns with more positive and realistic ones. Counselling and therapy for Depression is indicated only in mild depressive cases. Whereas in severe or resistant depression problem, medications are needed. These treatments focus on taking specific steps to overcome the underlying pathology.
Drug treatment for Major Depressive Disorder includes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) medications. There has been major advances in the medications with minimal side effects and larger benefits.

The diagnosis & treatment should only be done by a psychiatrist after thorough evaluation. Major depressive disorders are prevalent across all age groups and most commonly associated with anxiety disorderOCDSchizophrenia and other psychiatric co morbidities.

As with any illness, the treatment should be tailored to a specific individual. At Mind Matters clinic, we go beyond providing consultation service to offer you a complete solution. Our aim is to rehabilitate you and help you to be happier and more independent in your life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression problem, please contact Mind Matters Clinic

At the Mind Matters Clinic, a consultant psychiatrist will assess the issues, determine the diagnosis, and review the need for medication. Upon completion of this consultation, a recommendation for appropriate psychotherapy will be made. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is known to be most effective in the treatment of depression. In severe cases, anti-depressant drugs are recommended.

Dr. Pankaj Borade - Best Psychiatrist in Pune at Mind MattersDr. Pankaj Borade (M.D.Psychiatry) is a psychiatrist in Pune. He is a consultant at Mind Matters clinic and Ruby Hall Clinic Hospital in Pune City.

More articles or information can be found at our website  or on our Facebook page. Contact at pankajborade@onlymindmatters.com

"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't."