
Sexologist in Pune

Sexology is the study of human sexuality, including human sexual interests, behaviors and functions. Sexologist is a professional expert who specializes in the treatment of sexual problems. Consulting a sexual expert has always been a taboo. However, nowadays due to rapid rise in sex related problems more and more people are seeking consultations. Let us understand about common sexual dysfunctions and why visiting a sexologist would be a good decision for you.

What is Sexual Dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any phase of sexual response cycle that causes difficulty to the individual or couple and prevents them from experiencing satisfaction from sexual intercourse.

The sexual response cycle predominantly comprises of Four phases:

Erection / Vaginal lubrication and
Orgasm or resolution phase.

While sexual problems are extremely common in both males and females, people are hesitant to discuss it openly. It is important to share the difficulties and concerns with the partners and professionals as better treatment options are available.

sexual dysfunction

Sexual disorders can be broadly categorized into four:

  1. Erectile dysfunction (ED) 
  2. Hypo-active sexual desire or lack of sexual desire, or low lack of interest in sex.
    Difficulties in arousal, inability to get physically aroused/excited during sexual intercourse.
  3. Premature Ejaculation Problems (PME) in males and delayed orgasm or absence of orgasm in females.
  4. Pain during intercourse.

Symptoms of sexual dysfunction:

In men: 
Difficulty in achieving or sustaining adequate erection while intercourse.
Inability to get sexually aroused.
Inability to control ejaculation, premature ejaculation.
Delayed ejaculation or absent ejaculation.

In women: 
Difficulty in achieving orgasm.
Not enough vaginal lubrication during intercourse.
Painful intercourse.
low sexual desire, and Difficulty in getting aroused during intercourse.

What causes Sexual Dysfunction?

The causes for can be of two types, physical and psychological.

Physical causes — Physical and medical conditions like
Heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease,
Neurological disorders,
Endocrinology disorders and Hormonal imbalances,
chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and
alcoholism and drug abuse.

In addition, the side effects of some medications can affect sexual function.

Psychological causes
The most common is work-related stress and anxiety,
Depression and Anxiety disorders,
Inferior complex and concerns about body image,
concerns and apprehension about sexual performance,
marital or relationship problems,
feelings of guilt,

Individuals beliefs and expectations about normal intercourse not only decides the feelings of guilt, apprehension, but also influences the experience during sexual intercourse. Socio-cultural beliefs, use of pornography, etc are some important factors to consider.

How are sexual disorders diagnosed?

The diagnosis is mostly based on clinical judgement of the physician. It is based on complete history of symptoms, sexual relationship and sexual habits of the individual. There is a significant role of diagnostic tests esp. in cases where physical causes are suspected.

An evaluation of the person's attitudes about sex, as well as other possible contributing factors (fear, anxiety, past sexual trauma/abuse, relationship concerns, medications, alcohol or drug abuse, etc.) is crucial.

Treatment and Management for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

It is treated by correcting the underlying physical or psychological problem.

Medications to correct underlying hormonal deficiencies and improve blood flow to penis,
Sex therapy in form of couple counselling, relationship counselling,
Behavioral therapies or techniques for treatment of arousal disorders,
Psychotherapy for poor body image and feeling of guilt and anxiety,
Most importantly, proper education about sex and sexual behaviors and healthy communication between both partners.

Can it be cured? Certainly!

The success of treatment depends upon the underlying cause. Counselling and psycho-education are beneficial in dysfunctions that results due to stress, fear and anxiety. Physical causes often requires use of medications. Most importantly, a healthy communication between the partners is often the key for fruitful sex life.

At the Mind Matters Clinic, you can consult an experienced Sexologist in Pune who offers you treatment with a wide variety of sexual disorders. The consulting session is confidential. An individual or a couple may take part in the meeting. The therapist will listen to make a diagnosis and evaluate whether the cause is psychological or physical. The treatment will depend on the cause underlying.
Sessions generally take 30 to 45 minutes. The therapist may advise you to have weekly sessions or to see them less frequently, such as once a month.

Dr. Pankaj Borade - Best Psychiatrist in Pune at Mind MattersDr. Pankaj Borade (M.D.Psychiatry) is one of the best Sexologist in Pune. He is a consultant at Mind Matters Clinic and Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune City.

More articles or information can be found at our website  or on our Facebook page. Contact at pankajborade@onlymindmatters.com

Treatment for ED in Pune